
Respirez la nature

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Découvrez l’histoire de la Catalogne à travers les communautés entourant le Camping Conca de Ter.

Découvrir les villages qui entourent le camping « Conca de Ter », c’est vivre l’histoire de la Catalogne.

centre de divertissement prestigieux

Vilallonga de Ter

Placed between the villages of Camprodon, Llanars and Setcases, in the wonderful Camprodon valley, the village of Villonga de Ter_ where Camping Conca de Ter is located – presents itself as a prestigious centre of fun for any visitor.

histoire de la Catalogne


Rich cultural reminiscences can be appreciated in the surrounding Romanesque hamlets like La Roca and Abella, with stunning panoramic views of the valley.Espinabell stands out for the originalityof its buildings, while the small Tregurà is curiously made up of two neighborhoods uphill Tregurà and downhill Tregurà.

Discovering the villages around the Camping Conca de Ter is like bringing to life the history of Catalonia.